
Showing posts from May 6, 2012

Sublime Flannel Flowers

No words necessary. Enjoy the sublime beauty!

Daffodils and Daisies

I am so proud of my very first tea cosy. It's not perfect, I had to figure out many things along the way, improvise and cheat But I'm in love with it!


The best place for a Sunday lunch is around your own table. Ideally, you should start Saturday evening, by putting the lamb in the oven for an  overnight slow bake, top and tail the green beans, and peel and chunk the pumpkin. My little desktop oven has a timer switch of one hour only, so that means either staying up very late or doing your baking in batches. So, this was my Saturday night prep: Only notice now that it looks as if something has taken a big bite out of the leg! hahaha maybe a wolf? Lay the leg down on a bed of Provençal herbs Lavender, Rosemary and Thyme. Stuff the leg with slivers of fresh garlic. To enhance the Mediterranean flavours, add  a bay leaf or two, and, if you were thinking ahead, some preserved lemons. Mine came out perfectly this time, and retained their sunny colour amazingly. I also added a sprinkling of my own home-made lavender-infused olive oil My two new baby Maidenhair Ferns needed to be moved